Daily Tasks

After getting our interviews done we worked to complete the empathy map. However we do not see the overall point of it. After that we looked up competition. We found magic kitchen, senior living, and sunbasket. These are all companies that have similar ideas as us. We had major problems today with Brahm not doing work and have considered firing him. As we get more work done without him, he so far is no help to the team.

Our Idea

Finally we have arrived at an idea. This was very important because we now have an idea of which we can branch off of. We had a lot of trouble thinking of an idea when Brahm was here, but when he leaves we thought of many doable ideas. I think now that we have an idea we will excel from the rest of the groups. Our next step is to interview a person affected by our problem of their senior loved ones not having access to quality food.

Brainstorming Ideas

We are having incredible struggles to find an idea. Our team has not been able to think properly. We have not worked together well and not cooperated. On top of that we will be short a member all of next week. I feel because we don’t experience as many problems as we do not use as much technology as everyone else. Many others can stumble upon an idea that perfectly fits them while we do not relate or have problems with technology. Eventually I believe we will figure out an idea.

Application of Design Thinking

My hypothetical company is a gift card balance in which you do not need the gift cards in order to use them. The first step in the design thinking is to empathize. I am one who struggles with carrying around my gift cards and in turn ends up not using them. This is a problem because it is incredibly annoying and frustrating as I end up using money instead of the gift card. My idea is to have an app where you can cash in all your coupons and gift cards so that when you go to pay you can just scan a code on your phone. To make a prototype I would require mastery in the skill of creating apps, if I were not the app would not work well enough and would not serve its purpose. To test it I would give myself a $20 gift card to target and attempt to use it at the store.

The World of Blogging

Yesterday, Brahm and I were assigned to complete a Concept Map for our blogs. Of course, Brahm did not contribute and it was mostly left for me to do. This was a challenge because this activity was initially intended for a group of two indivisuals. Brahm was clueless on how to use Google Draw and absolutley useless to the team. Eventually he was negatively impacting the project so I retracted his permissions and continued by myself. I worked tirelessly and undistracted for a long period of time and completed the majority of the work. Once I was almost finished, I decided to give Brahm his editing permissions back. After a couple of minutes, we had finished the project. I have learned to never work with Brahm again.